IJCH 2015 Vol.1(2): 135-140 ISSN: 2382-6177
doi: 10.18178/ijch.2015.1.2.025

Copyright and Its Implications for 3D Created Datasets for Cultural Heritage Institutions

David Gillespie
Abstract—As museums and cultural institutions move towards openly sharing their collections via online platforms and other means, there is always a concern regarding the intellectual property rights of their works. This is becoming a bigger concern with the recent adoption of technologies that allow for 3D digital datasets to be created and shared online. These 3D datasets can be used for a range of different applications but there is a concern regarding the intellectual properties, as not only can they visualize the 3D cultural object but it can also be used to create an accurate replicate via 3D printing. This paper considers the intellectual implications for these created 3D datasets and questions whether it will impact the dissemination and sharing of these 3D datasets. Considering the evidence in this paper, it is suggested that it may have some impact but there are ways to mitigate any loss or damage.

Index Terms—Copyright, 3D cultural heritage datasets, Intellectual property.

D. Gillespie is with the Centre of Digital Entertainment and the National Museums Liverpool, UK (e-mail: david.gillespie@liverpoolmuseums.org.uk).


Cite: David Gillespie, "Copyright and Its Implications for 3D Created Datasets for Cultural Heritage Institutions," International Journal of Culture and History vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 135-140, 2015.

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