IJCH 2017 Vol.3(1): 98-103 ISSN: 2382-6177
doi: 10.18178/ijch.2017.3.1.084

The Seeds of Africa’s Renaissance

Jérémie Eyssette
Abstract—Africa is either subject to centrifugal accounts which offer a fragmented picture of its past and potential or to centripetal examinations that tend to extrapolate their results to disconnected parts as if the continent could be melted into a single analytical unit. The purpose of this article is three-fold. The first part aims at demonstrating that even though Afro-pessimists and Afro-optimists resort to the same criteria, their insufficient correlations lead to dichotomous conclusions. The second part seeks to show that while the emergence narratives might explain occasional phenomena, they fail to include human and technological factors which reframe the African debate into the Renaissance paradigm. By focusing on digitalization and education, the third part intends to shift the academic research towards the spill-over effects of Internet in what arguably constitutes Africa’s Renaissance.

Index Terms—Africa, emergence, renaissance, internet.

J. Eyssette is with the Department of French Literature and Culture, Chosun University, South Korea (e-mail: jeremie.eyssette@ gmail.com).


Cite: Jérémie Eyssette, "The Seeds of Africa’s Renaissance," International Journal of Culture and History vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 98-103, 2017.

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