IJCH 2018 Vol.4(4): 129-132 ISSN: 2382-6177
doi: 10.18178/ijch.2018.4.4.135

Wheel of Hope as Media Creates Hope Become Reality and Becomes a Parameter Success in Realizing Dreams: A Case Study at Darul Inayah Cisarua Orphanage Bandung

Anas Anwar Nasirin and Taufik Ampera
Abstract—It is certain that everyone has hope. People who have no hope, life will feel empty and meaningless. Hope can be interpreted as the basic form of belief in something desired, will be obtained, or an event will bear fruit in the future. Hope is a term that has been widely described by experts in the field of psychology. Hope that is not in accordance with reality will cause problems. The problem arises when there is a discrepancy between the expectations (das sollen) with the reality (das sein). With the tool everyone will always strive to realize his expectations through the visualization of the expectations that are implemented through the wheels of hope. The wheel of hope as a strategic tool in realizing dreams becomes a reality. The case study research model in this research activity will be applied intensively, in detail, and deeply in observing the activity of each individual when pouring his dreams into a hope, then through the visualization of hope that individual activity is observed through the ladder of success until each individual is able to realize the reality of his dreams. Activities performed on one orphanage in the area of Bandung by giving explanations about the writing of dreams or targets on the wheel of hope which will then be a parameter whether the dream or target is achieved or not.

Index Terms—Wheel of hope, dream, parameter, target.

Anas Anwar Nasirin and Taufik Ampera are with the Departement History, Faculty of Cultural Science, Padjadjaran University Jalan Bandung-Sumedang km. 21, West Java, Indonesia (e-mail: anwarnasirinanas@gmail.com, aufik.ampera@unpad.ac.id).


Cite: Anas Anwar Nasirin and Taufik Ampera, "Wheel of Hope as Media Creates Hope Become Reality and Becomes a Parameter Success in Realizing Dreams: A Case Study at Darul Inayah Cisarua Orphanage Bandung ," International Journal of Culture and History vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 129-132, 2018.

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