Abstract—Exile is a traumatic experience that is hard to overcome, but Earnest Hemingway chose voluntary exile as a style of living. Thrusting himself into foreign cultures and nations and detaching himself from everything familiar has stimulated him intellectually and enhanced his writing immensely. He was able to convey the truth about White America’s relationship with “the other” through distancing himself from the homeland. His exilic status granted him “a plurality of vision” and multiple perspectives through which he saw the world and recreated it on the page turning him into a literary genius. This essay aims to highlight the positive impact exile had on Hemingway’s writing.
Index Terms—Exile, Hemingway, literary production.
M. Qutami is with the English Language and Translation Studies Department, Amman Arab University, Jordan (e-mail: eternalmais@yahoo.com).
Cite: Mais Qutami, "Hemingway: An Untragic Exile and Literary Genius," International Journal of Culture and History vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 10-14, 2015.