IJCH 2017 Vol.3(3): 174-178 ISSN: 2382-6177
doi: 10.18178/ijch.2017.3.3.096

Problems and Challenges of Cultural Heritage in Alexandria, Egypt

Heba Mahmoud Saad AbdelNaby
Abstract—Alexandria was the capital of Egypt during the Graeco-Roman period and the first port and commercial centre in Egypt since its building till present. It owns a wealth of tangible and intangible heritage that was formed throughout ages and by a variety of contributors. Yet, that rich heritage is not fully used and the tourism the city receives is not compared to what it deserves. This is due to many problems and challenges that face the use of heritage. The present paper aims to shed light on some of these problems and challenges such as documentation problems, lack of collaborative work between authorities, neglect of intangible heritage, lack of awareness, insufficient role or museums to promote heritage and lack of enforced legalizations. Identifying these problems and challenges is important to solve them.

Index Terms—Alexandria, awareness, challenges, tangible and intangible heritage.

Heba M. S. AbdelNaby is with the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels, Alexandria University, Egypt. She was also with Mary Baldwin University, USA (e-mail: h.saad117@gmail.com, heba.saad@alexu.edu.eg)


Cite: Heba Mahmoud Saad AbdelNaby, "Problems and Challenges of Cultural Heritage in Alexandria, Egypt," International Journal of Culture and History vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 174-178 , 2017.

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