Abstract—The demographic ageing phenomenon has multiple forms. Among them, the most researched form is ageing at the bottom and at the top. However, it is well known that, in specific situations, secondary forms of demographic ageing may have a similar importance as primary forms. Among them, we mention the share of elderly, especially due to conditions such as migration or through a demographic heritage, which creates gaps between different areas.
Therefore, the purpose of the present study is to identify these particular forms of demographic ageing. For highlighting the main objective of the present research, two established indicators (Ageing Index and 3AI) have been used and analyzed together. The chosen methodology – linear regression between these variables – proved to be useful and it distinguishes four demographic behaviors, depending on position and spacing of residuals in relation to regression axis. These behaviors are overlapping the territorial-administrative units with a demographic ageing index characterized by (1) extreme overrepresentation, (2) moderate over-representation, (3) moderate sub-representation or (4) extreme sub-representation.
Index Terms—Demographic ageing, ageing index, 3AI, linear regression, selective migration.
The authors are with the University “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” of Iași, Department of Geography, 700506 Iași, Romania (e-mail: tudoradaniel@yahoo.com, saintcloud_2000@yahoo.com, dimitriuradu@yahoo.com).
Cite: Daniel Tudora, Alexandru Rusu, Mihail Eva, Lucian-Ionuț Roșu, and Radu Dimitriu, "Using Ageing Index and 3AI for Highlighting Particular Forms of Demographic Ageing, A Case Study on Romania," International Journal of Culture and History vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 95-98, 2016.